I wouldn't be so quick to shit on the red pill. I like your columns and for the most part they would fit right into anything that the red pill has to say. The red pill is more responsible for improving the lives of men than any "just be yourself" or "be a gentleman" advice could ever be. At its core the red pill is simply describing how relationships actually work as opposed to the standard dating and life advice that men usually got. Just like your columns, it is describing what actually works. If you will recall, some of the early PUA guys were not good looking or tall. But they figured out how to work with what they have to improve their situation and get results

Like I said, I like your stuff, but you are building on what the red pill started

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28Author

Hey there, I really appreciate your support and taking the time to read my articles. I have to disagree though, I don’t believe I’m influenced by Red Pill, or owe any of my views to the RP. I’m planning on writing an article that addresses my thoughts on RP and Incel Culture, which I think are rooted in the same thing, which is self victimization and paranoia about women.

I think that being aware of the nature of attraction, and not falling into Nice Guy traps and Simp-ism isn’t Red Pill at all, I think that’s is simply being grounded in reality and advocating for yourself as a man.

My biggest early influences were Mark Manson, Robert Glover, Corey Wayne and also women writers like Olivia Fox Cabane. I definitely don’t think any of those fall into the RP category. Again, I appreciate that we can disagree respectfully. Love the discussion

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