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""One trap that men often fall into is the mother-son dynamic in their relationships. Their wives/girlfriends begin to handle logistics in their home and personal lives, and these men become utterly complacent and mentally lazy. It comes to the point where they can’t pick out their own clothes, buy groceries, or do household tasks without their woman’s seal of approval.""

Lots of women sabotage the relationship this way as well. They start off by trying to be helpful and will volunteer to do little things to take a load off of the man's plate. She keeps volunteering to do more and more and before she even knows what happened, she is doing a lot of the work around the house. Then she starts complaining that he isn't doing anything. she would fuck him more but she is just overwhelmed with chores and he doesn't seem to help. She has inadvertently trained him to be lazy. Men have to watch out for this dynamic and stop her from getting herself too deep into doing too many things for him.

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